Version 3 end of life
This version of Silverstripe CMS will not recieve any additional bug fixes or documentation updates. Go to documentation for the most recent stable version.

Using Widgets

This guide assumes you have the optional Widgets module installed


To add a widget - simply click the plus icon and the widget will be appear in the "Widgets currently used" column.

After you've finished adding widgets, publish your blog, and your freshly minted widgets will appear in your blog's sidebar.

Available blog widgets


The archive widget helps you keep historical content relevant, by generating a list of posts, ordered by month or year.

widgets archive

Blog Categories

The blog categories widget lets your readers easily find the content they're interested in.

widgets categories

Recent Posts

The recent posts widget is great for providing quick links to your latest content.

widgets recent posts

Blog Tags

Similar to the blog categories widget, blog tags help your readers find relevant content, at more fine grained level.

widgets tags

Optional extra widgets

Additional widgets can be installed alongside your blog.