Version 3 end of life
This version of Silverstripe CMS will not recieve any additional bug fixes or documentation updates. Go to documentation for the most recent stable version.


Creating new pages
Add a new pages and descriptions of the default page types.
Reordering page structure
Using the drag and drop interface to organise your content.
Unpublishing pages
Removing pages from the live website without deleting the draft content.
Archiving a page
Removing pages from both the draft and live sites.
Rolling Back to a Previous Page Version
Viewing the history, comparing changes and rolling back to old page versions.
Restoring an archived page
If you archived a page, and then later changed your mind, don't worry, you can easily get it back!
Hiding a Page (From the Menus)
Hide a page so that it doesn't appear in the website navigation menus
Batch actions
Performing actions on multiple pages at once.
Searching for pages
Using the site tree filter to find pages.